• Event Highlight Programm
  • Event Web Clips
  • Web Clips


  • Red Bull TV and global distribution
Producer: Stefan Kleinalstede
Director: Max Nüchtern

2013 – 2018

Enter The World Of Red Bull BC One

A few clips of many we produced…

Red Bull BC One Profiles 3:21

The Red Bull BC One All Stars are pleased to announce Dutch B-Boy Menno as the crew’s eleventh member. Menno completed 2014 on a high note, becoming the latest champion at the World Final in Paris, and started 2015 with inclusion into one of the most iconic B-Boy crews in the world..

World Final 2015: Rome | Teaser 1:21

Blood, sweat, and 110% commitment has earned the top 16 bboys in the world a chance to compete for the title of Red Bull BC One World Championship. The Road to Rome has been long and gruelling, but it all comes down to the world final in Rome on November 14th.

Red Bull BC One Rome 2015  29:22

Sixteen of the world’s best BBoys came to Rome for the Red Bull BC One 2015 World Final with one goal in mind. Win. In a World Final that saw the rise of the new generation of B-Boys, it was Victor, of the USA, who emerged victorious, battling his way to earn the belt. Take a look back at the best action from the event!

For more visit the Media Channels below

  • Event Highlight Film
  • Event Web Clips
  • Web Clips


  • Red Bull TV und Globale Distribution
Produzent: Stefan Kleinalstede
Regie: Max Nüchtern

2013 – 2018

Weil dies ein Int. Projekt war, stellen wir weitere Infos nur in Englisch zur Verfügung. Danke für Ihr Verständnis.

Enter The World Of Red Bull BC One

A few clips of many we produced…

Red Bull BC One Profiles 3:21

The Red Bull BC One All Stars are pleased to announce Dutch B-Boy Menno as the crew’s eleventh member. Menno completed 2014 on a high note, becoming the latest champion at the World Final in Paris, and started 2015 with inclusion into one of the most iconic B-Boy crews in the world..

World Final 2015: Rome | Teaser 1:21

Blood, sweat, and 110% commitment has earned the top 16 bboys in the world a chance to compete for the title of Red Bull BC One World Championship. The Road to Rome has been long and gruelling, but it all comes down to the world final in Rome on November 14th.

Red Bull BC One Rome 2015  29:22

Sixteen of the world’s best BBoys came to Rome for the Red Bull BC One 2015 World Final with one goal in mind. Win. In a World Final that saw the rise of the new generation of B-Boys, it was Victor, of the USA, who emerged victorious, battling his way to earn the belt. Take a look back at the best action from the event!

For more visit the Media Channels below